We created this section just for you. Please bookmark this page on your browser and visit often, as this will serve as a one-stop reference for all your needs.
St. Monica stays in touch with parents in a variety of ways:
8th Grade Information:
8th Grade Important Dates
8th Grade Parent Night PDF
Guidelines for High School Interviews
Interview Sign Up
7th Grade Information:
7th Grade Parent Night PDF
FACTS School Management Software gives you, the busy parent, an opportunity to get more involved in your child’s academic progress and future success – all via the Internet!
FACTS Family Portal is a private and secure parents’ portal that will allow parents to view academic information specific to their children while protecting their children’s information from others. You may view your child’s grades, attendance, homework, as well as other useful school information. You can also communicate with teachers and other school staff online whenever necessary. All you need is an Internet-capable computer.
Here’s how to access FACTS Family Portal:
If you have any issues setting up your login, contact [email protected].
Regular and prompt attendance is an essential component of the success of your child’s school learning experience. Absences must be reported by email at [email protected] on or before 8:45 am that day.
Visible signs of invisible realities
The sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. (CCC, 1131)
If a student is under the age of 7 and needs the sacrament of Baptism, please contact our Baptism Coordinator, Paola Lopez, to coordinate a Baptism.
If a student is over the age of 7 and parents would like them to receive the sacrament of Baptism or need to do a Profession of Faith, students will need to participate in additional formation during the school year. Please complete the Sacramental Preparation Form before July 1st of the current year to receive more information about the process.
Traditionally, Second Grade students at St. Monica Catholic School are prepared for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist.
Our students will make their First Reconciliation during the Season of Advent and their First Holy Communion during the Easter Season.
In some cases, students enrolled at St. Monica Catholic School have not received the Sacrament of Baptism. In other cases, students in Third Grade through Eighth Grade may not have made their First Reconciliation or First Holy Communion. In these circumstances, our school collaborates with the Parish Office Faith Formation in preparing students for Baptism, First Reconciliation, and First Holy Communion. Students will need to take part in additional formation during the school year. If you are interested in having your student baptized or have an older student needing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and/or Eucharist, please complete the Sacramental Preparation Form by July 31st of the current year to receive more information about the process.
Students are prepared to receive the sacrament of Confirmation during Eighth grade. If a student is not Catholic and would like to receive the sacrament of Confirmation or needs to receive his sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation). Please complete the Sacramental Preparation Form by July 31st of the current year.
Students receive additional faith formation classes after school during the school year.
If you have general questions about Sacraments complete the Sacramental Preparation Form.
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, please visit the St. Monica Catholic Church website for more information.
Pre-K3 Early Arrival
Early Arrival Times*:
Pre-K3: 7:00-7:30 AM Students must be walked into the Family Center Double Doors (facing Midway)
*Parents must park their car to walk their child into the building.
Pre-K4-8th Early Arrival
Early Arrival Times*:
Pre-K4-8th: 7:00-7:30 AM
*Students will wait in the cafeteria until they are dismissed to go to classrooms.
Morning Carpool (Pre-K3 & Pre-K4)
Morning Carpool Map
Use the Midway Road Entrance
Form One Line (stay to the left)
Pull Up to Double Doors (facing Midway)
Arrival Times:
Pre-K3: 7:30-7:45 AM Midway parking lot
Morning Carpool (Pre-K4 & DK(Gomez & Wright Only)K- 8th):
Morning Carpool Map
Arrival Times:
Pre-K4-DK(Gomez & Wright): ONLY Use the Walnut Hill Lane Entrance
Grades K- 8th: Use the Walnut Hill Lane or Midway Entrance
Pre-K4-8th: 7:30-7:45 AM
Children should be in their classroom before 7:50 AM. Tardies for K-8 will be issued starting at 7:50 AM
Afternoon Carpool (Pre-K3, Pre-K4, & DK)
Afternoon Carpool Map
Use the Midway Road Entrance
Form One Line (stay to the left)
Pull Up to Double Doors (facing Midway)
Regular Dismissal Times:
Pre-K: 2:50 PM Midway parking lot (DK dismisses with PK)
Early Dismissal Times:
Pre-K: 11:50 AM Midway parking lot (DK dismisses with PK)
Afternoon Carpool (K-8th):
Afternoon Carpool Map
Last Name A-K (use the Midway entrance, form 2 lines, & should be in the line closest to the school)
Last Name L-Z (use the Midway entrance, form 2 lines, & should be in the line closest to the football field)
Early Dismissal Times*:
K-4: 12:10 PM
5-8: 12:25 PM
Regular Dismissal Times*:
K-4: 3:10 PM
5-8: 3:25 PM
*K-8th Siblings will dismiss at the specified time for their oldest sibling.
K-8 Walkers
A walker form must be submitted if you would like your child to be a walker. This includes students who do not normally walk but are going home with a student who is a walker. Students will only be dismissed as walkers after the walker form has been submitted. Walker forms must be submitted the day before you would like your child to be a walker. Please email the homeroom teacher if your child will not be walking every day. Please email Catherine Hull if you have any questions.
Family School Handbook: Handbook 2024-2025
St. Monica Catholic School generally follows the Dallas ISD plan for inclement weather closures. Please refer to your local radio and television news for reports of a possible school closing or delayed opening times. A message will be sent to every family member & faculty & staff member registered in FACTS.
Pre-K - 8th Grade Early Drop Off:
7:00 - 7:30 AM in the school cafeteria
Pre-K Drop Off :
7:30 – 7:45 AM / Dismissal @ 2:50 PM
K-8th Grade Drop Off:
7:30 - 7:45 AM using either the Walnut Hill entrance or the Midway entrance (Morning Carpool Map). School begins at 7:50 AM sharp! Dismissal K–4th at 3:10 PM & 5th-8th at 3:25 PM (Afternoon Carpool Map)
After School Care: available until 6 pm
The majority of school supplies are purchased with your Enrollment Fee. There are a few ancillary items that will need to be purchased:
Would you like to recognize the excellence in our teachers and staff at St Monica Catholic School? The Teacher of the Month recognition program celebrates outstanding educators who embrace and incorporate St. Monica’s mission and philosophy and support the Diocese of Dallas’ Roadmap and Blueprint for Academic Excellence. In addition to meeting or exceeding
St. Monica’s basic core competencies, outstanding educator nominees should demonstrate excellence in one or more categories of excellence.
Please click here to nominate excellence in teachers and staff.
Nominations are due by the 15th of each month.
Please visit stmonicachurch.org for additional Youth Parish Activities.
8am to 4pm (M - F)
St. Monica Catholic School
4140 Walnut Hill Lane, Dallas, TX 75229
P (214) 351-5688
F (214) 352-2608