Listed below are some general guidelines for the steps you need to take if your child is ill or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19. We are blessed to have several contact tracers on staff and they will work with your family on a case by case basis.
St. Monica Catholic School updated protocols in response to the receiving local control for COVID Protocol decisions dated November 12, 2021.
COVID-19 Response Steps
If your child is experiencing symptoms of any illness:
If masks are required, the mask specifications:
Mask specifications:
Disposable masks are available at the clinic.
Our goal is to keep students in school. The entire school will be notified of positive cases on campus weekly in the Bearcat Byte, but individual names will not be shared. Contact tracing will be done to determine if a classroom or team quarantine is needed.
The goal is to keep our students in school. In the event of a positive case in the classroom:
Will the class of a positive case need to quarantine?
Contact tracing will review the following questions:
If the answer to these questions is “YES”, the class will not need to quarantine.
In the event the entire class is quarantined, the class will transition to virtual learning.
SMS does not require daily temperature checks at this time.
Safe Environment cleared visitors are allowed on campus. All visitors should wear a mask
School Events will be reviewed regularly and decisions will be made based on:
4. Positive cases will be reported to the Dallas County Health and
Human Services Department by Nurse Pat Rodriguez.